Top Student Enrollment Roadblocks and How to Overcome Them

In my more than two decades of steering enrollment management at various institutions, I’ve seen students encounter numerous hurdles on their journey to and through higher education. 

My experience has consistently shown that the decision to enroll is heavily influenced by four critical factors: 

Understanding these priorities is critical to attracting and retaining students in the community college space. By aligning your enrollment strategies with the needs and expectations of prospective students, you can ensure a smoother, more engaging educational journey that benefits both the students and your educational institution alike. 

Common Ease of Enrollment Roadblocks for Students

The pursuit of higher education is a daunting task in itself. When students encounter challenges at the enrollment phase — before the actual coursework even starts — it can be easy for them to bow out of the process altogether. To ensure that doesn’t happen, avoid these common pitfalls in the community college enrollment journey: 

Complex Enrollment Processes

Orientation and Information Overload

Confusing Websites

Placement Testing Delays

How to Overcome Ease of Enrollment Roadblocks

So, those are the potential enrollment roadblocks for community college students. But what are the enrollment solutions? Solutions for overcoming enrollment roadblocks for community college students include the following: 

Common Clear Path to Graduation Roadblocks for Students

Now that you’ve mowed down the enrollment roadblocks, it’s time to ensure that the ride stays smooth. Remember, it’s never too late for students to change their direction. They might do so if these issues persist: 

Course Registration Problems

Technology Barriers

How to Create a Clear Path to Graduation

Constructing a clear path to graduation isn’t easy, and with limited resources, it can be difficult to avert every bump in the road. But in my experience, you can keep most students on track by focusing on these two key areas: 

Common Reasonable Degree Completion Roadblocks for Students

You’ve cleared two major hurdles by easing the enrollment process and creating a clear path to graduation. But you’re only halfway home. Here are some common mistakes institutions make when it comes to the time it takes to complete a degree: 

Inadequate Academic Advising

Lack of Clear Communication

Social and Emotional Challenges

How to Help Students Reach Their Goals in a Reasonable Amount of Time

When it comes to keeping students on track, intervention is key. Follow these tips: 

Common Cost/Benefit Roadblocks for Students

You’ve now reached the last but never the least critical roadblock in higher education: return on investment. It’s why your students are showing up, and if the numbers don’t make sense, they can — and should — turn back. Here are some financial concerns that your students are likely to face: 

Housing and Transportation Challenges

Cost of College Data Is Hard to Find

Ways to Help Students With Their Financial Concerns

Your institution is responsible for ensuring that students understand their financial obligations and how to meet them. Here are a few ways that you can do this: 

Bust Down Roadblocks by Partnering With Archer 

In my 20 years of experience, I’ve helped lots of institutions navigate these potential roadblocks to enrolling and retaining more students. And I’m far from alone in my expertise at Archer. Our full-service team partners with colleges of all kinds to help them build and scale their capacities. 

Is your institution ready for a collaborative partner who takes the time to get to know you, then makes custom recommendations based on decades of experience? Reach out to us today

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